Friday, January 29, 2010


Please allow me to formally introduce myself. My  name is Kirsten, and I am a full-time mother to a beautiful little blonde haired, blue eyed little boy, Logan age 2.5. He is the centre of my universe. I am also a wife, dog owner, cat owner and fish owner.
When not running after a toddler, or tripping over playmobile dinosaurs, I am a graphic designer for a little company I run called Studio 947 . Mostly printed material, with a bit of web design thrown in there for good measure. My design style is meticulous with an organic flair. I am very inspired by my surroundings. Whether it's walking through our island's lush rainforests or beachcombing on the seashore, my design and craft work soak up the world around me. I am blessed to be raising my son on one of the most beautiful places on earth.
This love of design, has blossomed into many other forms that appeal to both my meticulous side and organic. I LOVE creating with my hands, whether it's sewing, painting or accumulating bits and pieces to later turn into one of a kind collages. I can't get enough!
Now that my little bean is in pre-school two mornings a week, I have been able to re-connect with my old self, and bring in more design projects, as well as, delve back into my crafts that I have missed like crazy.
I am excited to see where this next chapter in my life leads. Please join me on this journey.

kirsten xo